Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stroller recovered!

So my parents neighbors were having a garage sale... and I was expecting baby #2 so my mom got this stroller super cheap for me.
Functions well, but lets face it. It's hideous. I had recently recovered my car seat, so I figured, What the heck. The frame of the stroller is dark blue, and the dark blue parts had a bunch of snaps I did not want to deal with. So I had to go pick something that matched the dark blue, which limited me but I still love it so much more!!! I started by seam- ripping apart the old pieces, taking lots of pictures. I also wrote down each step I took. that way when I was done I just started at the last step and worked backwards to step 1, and was able to refer to pictures if needed. (after seam ripping it apart I used the original fabric pieces to cut out identical pieces in my new fabric!!!!!!) Each stroller is very different so it's hard to give an exact tutorial, I think the easiest thing is to use your ripping it apart as a tutorial. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have! This sounded super difficult and I was afraid I would end up ruining it (same w/ when i did the same thing to my carseat) But trust me, its a lot easier than it sounds! just time consuming ripping it all apart!

1 comment:

  1. How did you do the seats? And would you have a suggestion for upgrading the seat belts to a five point harness? What is the type of cusion in the seat of the stroller where the child's bottom goes?
